About author Michael Gillespie and Great River Publishing

Michael Gillespie, from near Kansas City, Missouri, has written two very popular and well regarded histories of steamboating and river travel. Both are published and distributed by Great River Publishing.
Mike was an official Discovery Guide on the American Queen steamboat during 2009, and has been featured guest on cable television’s History Channel. In April of 2012, Mike will debut on cable television’s Animal Planet.
WILD RIVER, WOODEN BOATS explores the early days of Missouri River travel. Many historic photos and charts, as well as a complete index and glossary.
COME HELL OR HIGH WATER is a major work exploring the early days of travel on the Mississippi River. Many historic photos and charts, as well as a complete index and glossary
(Clicking on either cover will take you to our “river books” order page.)
Our New KINDLE Release of Mike’s entertaining anthology of “OLD TIME RAILROAD STORIES” is now available at Amazon.com! Click on cover to visit our sample page which can be explored online or by downloading a FREE 30-page sample. Or purchase for IMMEDIATE delivery to your KINDLE device!
Michael Gillespie, who is the author of the steamboat histories: “COME HELL OR HIGH WATER” and “WILD RIVER, WOODEN BOATS” has collected 350 pages of rail stories with editorial introductions and commentary, historic photos, and a complete railroad glossary which make this a real collector’s edition!.
OLD TALES is also available in print as a three-volume set at $15.99 per volume.
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