You Can Never Go Home Again

© 1994 Sun and Rain by Dennis Gibbons


You can never go home again my friend
Because home will never be the same
homeward bound and the green green grass
Know nothing of life's cruel game.

Did you really expect them to wait for you?
They had things to do and learn
So life went on without you
And they forgot about your return.

Can you ever forget the guns, stuttering in the night?
Or the smell of sulfur
And the jungle
During a firefight?

Or those starving faces
Begging in the street
And those children selling their mothers
For a crust of bread to eat?

Did you miss a Christmas with the Family?
Or a home-cooked meal?
A healthy baby's laughter?
A hand that could make you feel?

When you did come home my friend,
Did the sweet green icing come flowing down?
And that plaster image you made,
It came crumbling to the ground?

Do you feel an empty shell, my friend?
Do you feel that you're going insane?
When your heart is filled with hate and sadness
Are you trying to hide the pain?

Do you feel as if you don't fit anymore?
Does your mind conceal an empty cry?
Because you know that there is only one home now
And you will reach it when you die.



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Revised: March 25, 2010.