Locking Through the Canal du Midi
by Pat Middleton, c 1999
Photos © Richard L. Middleton and MAY NOT be used in any way without the
written permission of the photographer.
This is the very
short version.
For the full review of riding with the ROSA
on the Canal du Midi, click here!
I am delighted to share with greatriver.com
readers our experience of cruising the 300-year old Canal du Midi,
between Toulouse, France and the medieval walled city of Carcasonne. The photos below are
thumbnails. Click on each for a larger version of the photo.
Enjoy!! ~ Pat
1) Our 100-year old Dutch Clipper, the ROSA was our First Class hotel on the
beautiful and historic Canal du Midi, Toulouse, France to Carcasonne! Although the ROSA
could sleep eight passengers comfortably in 4 staterooms, our cruise included 6 passengers
and 3 crew.
This fishermen called me back from a stroll to get a picture of him with the ROSA.
2) Dining was superb on board the boat.

We were presented with three Luscious meals served with local
specialties, wine, salad, cheeses, desserts, and, before each lunch and dinner, aperitifs.
Through" occurred constantly during the day. On one day, we went through 18 locks,
including a Quadruple! The locks on the Canal du Midi are egg-shaped for
strength--using a design created by Leonardo da Vinci. Houseboaters were kept busy hauling
on ropes and hand-winding the sluices and gates. We watched with great interest as Bernard
and Michel did all the manual labor :-)
JUMPING LOCKS is something all Mississippi River boaters can relate to. One of our major
decisions during the day was to decide whether we would ride, walk, or bike to the next
Shore trips added to the
fun of each day. Here we visited a small vineyard. Bill, Laura, and our pilot, Michel.
We met Stefan walking beside
the Canal on his way to Compestello in Spain. We had learned that pilgrims wore either a
Scallop shell (Spain), Palm frond (Jerusulem), or Key (Rome) on their mantles. When you
meet a pilgrim, offer him food and shelter.
Olive market in Toulouse near Saint-Serrin Cathedral.
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